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Parliament Ends the Work of the Four-day Sittings
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On March 26 the parliament continued the work of the four-day sittings.

The MPs welcomed the students and lecturers of the Faculty of Law of Gyumri Mikayel Nalbandyan State Pedagogical Institute who visited the parliament within the framework of the NA Open Lesson programme and were observing the NA sitting.

The RA SCPEC Annual Action Plan was debated.

The parliament continued debating the State Commission for Protection of Economic Competitiveness (SCPEC) Action Plan for 2015. The deputies Mikayel Melkumyan, Vardan Ayvazyan, Hrant Bagratyan, Mher Shahgeldyan, Tevan Poghosyan, Nikol Pashinyan, Artashes Geghamyan, Stepan Margaryan, Ishkhan Khachatryan presented their viewpoints on the issue.

The representatives of the NA Factions Heghine Bisharyan (Rule of Law), Levon Zurabyan (ANC), Vahram Baghdasaryan (RPA) presented their viewpoints on the programme.

In his final speech Artak Shaboyan touched upon the deputies’ interpellations and gave clarifications. He expressed willingness for jointly working and organizing constructive debates with concerned sides.

The parliament debated the legislative package on passing to 12-year compulsory education.

Then the deputies in the second reading considered the legislative package “On Amending the RA Law on Education” and “On Amending the RA Law on General Education,” which presented the RA Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan.

The NA deputies and representatives of factions Aram Manukyan, Ruzanna Muradyan and Heghine Bisharyan expressed their viewpoints on the legislative package.

The RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan delivered an extraordinary speech on the issue. To his assessment, it seems school is the easiest and easy understandable link, but it is a delicate organism. Touching upon the deputies’ raised interpellations and concerns he has noted the pedagogues managed to overcome with honour the hard years and fulfill the problems they face. Highlighting the proposal of making the 12-year education compulsory, the NA Speaker has opined that the mission of the school is not only transforming knowledge, but also the upbringing and preparing a decent citizen for the country. According to him, the school shapes a favourable environment for pupil’s full education and upbringing. In Mr Sahakyan’s opinion, teacher is the one that carries out reforms; he should be inviolable in the society.

Referring to the recommendations of postponing the consideration of the draft law, the NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan noted that the bill would be debated in a shape that the government presented. “If we have a strong pedagogy, strong school, then we’ll have a strong state,” the NA Speaker.

In his final speech thanking for the debates the RA NA Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan touched upon the MPs’ speeches and concerns.

The deputies in the third reading debated the bills “On Amending the Bill on Scientific and Research-Technical Expertise” in the third reading, “On Amending the RA Law on the RA State Awards and Honourable Titles” in the second reading and “On Amending the RA Holidays and Remembrance Days.”

The MPs began debating the conclusion of the Ad-hoc Committee on Studying the RA Gas Supply System Activity.

Then the parliament debated the conclusion of the Ad-hoc Committee on Studying the RA Gas Supply System Activity, which submitted the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan AYvazyan.

The debate of the issue will resume at the next four-day sittings of the National Assembly.

The National Assembly ended the work of the four-day sittings.

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